Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Pride of the Lions by Marsha Canham

Rating: 4 1/2 ♥

They were torn between pride and passion. . .

It was a boastful wager, a bold flirtation meant to win a proposal from the most eligible officer in His Majesty's Royal Dragoons. How was the spoiled and pampered Catherine Augustine Ashbrooke to know the handsome stranger with the brooding midnight eyes would see through her plot and make her the pawn in a dangerous game of his own?

United by a reckless game of chance. . .

Alexander Cameron may have won the highborn English beauty in a duel, but not even the lure of long-forgotten desires could keep him from his meeting with destiny. He had no choice but to carry his reluctant bride off to the Highlands, to a world of ancient blood feuds and a brewing rebellion--a world where fiery passion and breathtaking courage would prove that even legendary warriors could lose their hearts.

Review: A very sweeping and epic type of story, I enjoyed it very much! This book leaves us on a cliff -- Catherine and Alex don't get their happily-ever-after in this book, I will have to read the next one for that. Highly entertaining.

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